Display 1 - 35 hits of 35.
gprs-easy-connect | 3.0.0-8.aur12.0 | noarch | GPRS internet dialer | Other |
gprs-easy-connect | 3.0.0-8.aur12.0 | noarch | GPRS internet dialer | Other |
gprs-easy-connect | 3.0.0-3.aur12.0 | noarch | GPRS internet dialer | Other |
lmms | 0.2.0-1.aur12.0 | i386 | LMMS - Linux MultiMedia Studio | Other |
lmms | 0.2.0-1.aur12.0 | i386 | LMMS - Linux MultiMedia Studio | Other |
perl-ExtUtils-Depends | 0.205-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions | Other |
perl-ExtUtils-Depends | 0.205-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions | Other |
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig | 1.07-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Simplistic interface to pkg-config | Other |
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig | 1.07-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Simplistic interface to pkg-config | Other |
perl-Getopt-Long | 2.34-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Extended processing of command line options | Other |
perl-Getopt-Long | 2.34-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Extended processing of command line options | Other |
perl-Glib | 1.120-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl wrappers for the GLib utility and object libraries | Other |
perl-Glib | 1.120-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl wrappers for the GLib utility and object libraries | Other |
perl-Glib-debug | 1.120-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl wrappers for the GLib utility and object libraries | Other |
perl-Glib-debug | 1.120-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl wrappers for the GLib utility and object libraries | Other |
perl-Gnome2 | 1.021-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME libraries | Other |
perl-Gnome2 | 1.021-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME libraries | Other |
perl-Gnome2-Canvas | 1.002-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the Gnome Canvas library | Other |
perl-Gnome2-Canvas | 1.002-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the Gnome Canvas library | Other |
perl-Gnome2-Canvas-debug | 1.002-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the Gnome Canvas library | Other |
perl-Gnome2-Canvas-debug | 1.002-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the Gnome Canvas library | Other |
perl-Gnome2-debug | 1.021-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME libraries | Other |
perl-Gnome2-debug | 1.021-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME libraries | Other |
perl-Gnome2-VFS | 1.060-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library | Other |
perl-Gnome2-VFS | 1.060-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library | Other |
perl-Gnome2-VFS-debug | 1.060-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library | Other |
perl-Gnome2-VFS-debug | 1.060-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library | Other |
perl-Gtk2 | 1.120-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library | Other |
perl-Gtk2 | 1.120-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library | Other |
perl-Gtk2-debug | 1.120-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library | Other |
perl-Gtk2-debug | 1.120-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library | Other |
perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon | 0.03-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl Interface to the EggTrayIcon Library | Other |
perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon | 0.03-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl Interface to the EggTrayIcon Library | Other |
perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon-debug | 0.03-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl Interface to the EggTrayIcon Library | Other |
perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon-debug | 0.03-1.aur12.0 | noarch | Perl Interface to the EggTrayIcon Library | Other |